
Ever wondered how it felt to be the villain, always being defeated and never getting any of the glory, well the film Megamind might be the perfect movie for you. Megamind gathers an impressive comedic cast starring Will Farrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill and David Cross. The film takes place in a slightly similar but imaginary City in which Hero Metro Man, Brad Pitt, watches over the citizens, and keeps them safe from the diabolical, Megamind voiced by Will Farrell. The CG animated film might at first seem like an Incredibles knock off, but there is more to the story than just spandex and superpowers. In the film the lead character is not a hero but a being which he prides himself, upon being a super villain.
Megamind might come off as the baddest super villain on the planet but it is later revealed that he is just a shade of a troubled young man that never was accepted by other children. I enjoyed the movie’s plot, how Megamind finally defeated Metro man, but realized he needed good in order to be evil.
I enjoyed Will Ferrells portrayal of the tenderhearted Megamind. The character played by Tina Fey felt as if she could have been played by any actress, she did not stand out, and in fact I did not even know she was playing the voice until my review. Brad Pitt was also a lack luster character; he played his part but did not stand out, the character Titan played by Jonah Hill was a good contrast to Megamind, his CGI character was also freighting to look at. Every character held the film together to tell a new story but none had the presence of a great Loral and Hardy like Will Ferrell and David Cross.
The movie was filled with good laughs and had heartfelt scenes, but I still felt as if it lacked the humanity that its rival studio, Pixar, seems to hold crown to. I believe it deserves three out of five stars. Will Ferrell although still fading as an actor may have been thrown another life line for the film’s success, so jump aboard and go watch him terrorize a city and don’t feel guilty if you find yourself laughing with him too.

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