
Catfish and Catch Me If You Can

The two films that were viewed in class and in the cinema, Catch me if you can and Catfish are no way similar at first sight but if you take the time to decipher some of the characters you might see the strong similarities. In Catch me if you can, the Frank Abagnal character played by Leonardo Di Caprio, has a persona conflict. He cannot be defined as just one man, but instead a cast of different characters he has created in order to better his life financially.
Placed in that perspective that Frank Abagnal Jr. was not running from the law but was in fact running from himself. It now is easy to see how the character or real life person Melody Roscher, in Catfish had escaped her own life by diving into her fictional world of made up characters. In her world each character had their own life and talents, like Franks characters in life. Two films which are totally different, one being autobiographical representation, and the other filmed as a documentary.
Both characters in each film were caught in a sense, Frank having Carl Handratty chase after him after many years, and Melody having Yaniv shake the truth from her. These people were the ones to finally set the lies free, and each individual, Frank Abagnal Jr. and Melody Roscher have enriched their lives by becoming themselves once and for all.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,

    That's an interesting way you viewed the similarities between the two films. I sensed the conflict in Frank, but didn't view in the way you saw it as. However, it does make sense because he never wanted to accept the truth of his parents seperation. In the end he had to witness for himself and see his new half sister by a man he bumped into at his own family's apartment. That definitely leaves for the comparison between him and Melody. Both characters were wrapped up in different worlds hidden behind many faces, it just didn't seem they really knew who they really were after all the lies and deception.
