
The Next Three days and The Shawshank Redemption

This winter was filled with a bombardment of horrid movies in my opinion, but none set the tone quite like the film The Next Three Days. I can give the film credit for presenting a somewhat new idea to the silver screen, the idea of breaking someone out of prison. It’s been done the other way around, like in the film The Shawshank Redemption, where Andy Dufresne is sent to prison for life for the wrongful accusation of murdering his wife. Andy goes through the horrors of prison only to successfully break out and stay free with best friend Red. Both films represent the tone of loss, although they do present them from a different prospective. The Next Three Days shows the repercussions of life in prison for the individual’s family as to where The Shawshank Redemption shows the life inside the walls of a prison. They certainly do contrast as far as quality and substance. The Shawshank Redemption is an Oscar nominated masterpiece as to where The Next Three Days is another kind of piece. Even though they do not share quality they both represent the idea of suffrage through the lives that experience prison, whether it is during the past or during present times. The two films are reminders of how easy all hope can be lost through the horrors of prison.

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